Thursday, May 31, 2012

Come talk to me, my girlfriends. I NEED you!

My hair loss situation has gotten a bit worse. The top? She's pretty bad. So bad, in fact, that the wonderful extensions that I thought were the answer can no longer be used.

(Insert huge sad face and sad trombone wompwomp here.)

SO! Onto some new planning. Serious question: Have you ever seen someone with a pony tail or updo extension that actually looked GOOD? Is this possible? Dare I dream? Celebrities use them at times, don't they? Let's peruse some pictures via Google:

Jessica Simspon HairDo

Color my hair perfectly to match maybe?

Or what about a hair headband??

Am I trusting Jessica too much?

I wore my hair in an updo for 15 years. I miss it.

Look like the old me again??

What do you think? Wishful thinking or possibilities?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Isn't she a little big to be nursing still?

That's the question we're starting to hear as Zofia nears 2 years old.

2 year old Zofia HAPPILY nursing on the slide as photographed by her 4 year old sister.

Want more pictures by Athena? Go here and here.

I think it's high time she got a photography job.

Monday, May 28, 2012

My favorite soldier. I remember him every Memorial Day.

Well, to be honest I think of him a lot more than just on Memorial Day. He was one of the greatest grandfathers a little girl could have.

Happy Memorial Day, Grandpa Ralph!

I could look at old photos of soldiers all day. I can't fathom what some of those boys went through. Past, present, and future soldiers, I recognize and admire you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Perfect Bronzer and Makeup Deals Galore

I love bronzing pearls. Swirling your brush around in those little colored balls gives the perfect mix and dispersion of color. I use to use the most beautiful Guerlain bronzer back when I could drop $40 on a bitchin' makeup palette instead of a shipment. Oh, those were the shopping days.

WELL, (I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.) Avon has introduced their bronzing pearls and they are LOVELY.

Put a touch of glowing color on the lip:
And you look like a young, dewy goddess:

Ahem... or something like that.

Tons of makeup specials, $3.99 lipsticks, and free shipping on orders over $30 with code FS30REP on

Friday, May 25, 2012

Flashback Friday - Hold on to your ovaries, gals.

Summer months mean birthdays in this family. As I've begun planning things for Zofia to turn 2 (what??), Athena to turn 5 (OMG), and me to turn 29 again (ahem) I'm feeling all nostalgic.

In my mind they're still this:

and this...

so tiny...

So wee.

I gotta go. I think there's something in my eye...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Conducting business with my pants down - A WAHM

As some of you know, I have my real estate license and like to fancy myself a WAHM from time to time. I assist the broker with email and phone call follow-ups, and this is precisely what I was doing yesterday... much to Zofia's dismay.

I was attempting to leave a voicemail for a loan officer and Zofia went bat-shit-crazy. I tried shushing her and scooting her away with my leg while trying to keep my voice even. She took my leg being out as an opportunity to pull my pants down.

Blurry as she shimmies them down my leg.

Pants are down. Now to attempt getting back up the birth canal.

Luckily right in my reach were my Professional Grade Baby Shushers

Aaaaaawww yeeeeeahhh. Works every time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Athena's take on the Time magazine cover is one of the better ones, no?

Athena is kind of like a National Geographic photographer. She quietly goes through the house taking pictures of unsuspecting people to catch them in their natural habitat. Sometimes that means you're photographed in the shower, sometimes it means you're photographed cramming a hot dog in your face. Sometimes she even takes videos or uses effects to dress up her work. Most people probably wouldn't let their 4-year-old play with their smartphone or digital camera, but I just love the stuff she comes up with.

Today while I was trying to get a diaper on an unwilling Zofia (which is similar to putting one on a Tasmanian Devil) she hopped up on the table, jerked my top down, and showed me who was the nursing boss.

Tasmanian Devil courtesy of National Geographic:

Tasmanian Devil courtesy of Athena Brocus:

Don't worry, I'll clean the table before you guys come over for dinner.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Sharing - Father's Day Edition

Hey! Remember when I use to do Sunday Sharing on the regular and we all talked about sharing stuff? Yeah, let's do that. The ladies and I are doing some shopping for Louis. Care to join?

The cologne:

We LOVE Derek Jeter Driven. It smells sporty and fresh and divine. Louis likes it, I like it, Athena likes it. It's a win.

$34 for a gift set. WAY better than the mall.

Louis loves his toiletries, so we bought him a shower set too.
$9.99? Seriously? It's his.

OK, I might have bought this quesadilla grill basket more for Athena, but Louis loves his grill. Amirite??
We're going to load him up with a Mexican beer sampler and a bunch of hot sauce and all the macaroni art he can handle from the ladies!

Happy Father's Day, Papi's!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Athena's first trip to the beauty shop.

I've been getting my hair done by the same girl for over 15 years, so when it came time for Athena to make her first trip to the beauty shop, there was only one person we were going to: Jennifer at Pello Salon and Spa. (Same place I got those awesome extensions, if you recall.)

Athena LOVED the experience. She was beaming so much it made me have a heartsplosion. She is so cute.

Her first scalp massage.

Her first blowout.

Pink hair tinsel :)

One happy little girl.

Every little girl deserves to feel so pretty.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Not Another Time Magazine Post

There it is. I finally figured out why the Time magazine controversy bothered me so much. It wasn't the age of the child nursing. It wasn't the model-like mother used to sell magazines.

It was the comments.

But why the comments? This took a few days of soul-searching.

I had an epiphany at 14 and stopped caring what people thought. The next day I went to school in a space dress and white go-go boots and never looked back. It's been a fabulous quality that I hope to pass on to my daughters. Be yourselves and be happy. As a mother I suppose I could be described as an "attachment parent." I babywear, I cosleep, and I nurse on demand. As Zofia has yet to wean herself, I seem to now be an "extended nurser." Never have I ever been bothered by the critical comments made about me "spoiling my children," or "being a weird hippie." It's just been par for the course until now. The comments. The comments of the general public calling her a pedophile and declaring this as incest.

Do you remember my post? I know what a pedophile is. I've lived with two of them. My biological dad is a "watcher" and my brother is in prison for molestation.

The woman on Time's cover? She is not a pedophile. Nor am I for nursing my older child. We are mothers doing what is best for OUR children. Not your children. Not the neighbors' children. OUR CHILDREN. So think before you speak. Consider before you comment. Know what you're saying. Things may not be what they first appear.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Raw Milk - What's the deal?

I received this via email from my mom:

Founder of the Mayo Foundation used it back in the late 20’s – early 30’s to cure almost everything from psoriasis to heart disease. I’ve also seen articles saying it’s lessened or cured anxiety/depression.

She has started drinking it to rebuild bone. I gotta tell you, as a certified OCD fearer of all things germ, bacteria, and virus it totally skeeves me out. I'm generally on board with all things natural and healing, but GAH THE BACTERIA!

Anyone familiar? Is it legit or snake oil?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Are you following Diana's (LifeasaSAHM) journey?

I love my Twitter community, and when a part of that community needs something I always want to help if possible.

I follow  LifeasaSAHM and when she tweeted that she was losing her twin pregnancy 18.5 weeks in, my heart sank. I couldn't stop thinking about her and all but stalked her Twitter feed. The doctors wanted her to give up, induce the pregnancy, and lose the babies for sure. She has decided to fight for their lives.

Follow LifeasaSAHM's, aka Diana,  journey on her blog, Hormonal Imbalances and Facebook. Whether you pray, meditate, or send good vibes, keep them coming her way.