Friday, April 4, 2008

I love themes

Your Love Style is Manic

For you, love is the ultimate rollercoaster

And you love to hold on tight and enjoy the ride

Every time you fall in love, it feels like the first time

And while it's exciting and exhilarating...

It's also stressful and scary!


TravelDiva said...

Hey Nadja!

My love style is Eros.

Your Love Style is Eros

For you, love is all about the passion!
And chances are, you're currently in love.
You have a strong physical response to love...
And you are great at committing
(As long as the person makes your toes curl!)

Sad Panda said...

My love style is Agape:

You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.

Oh God, I sound like a pansy. Worse yet, I sound like one of those girls you were complaining about in your previous post. I swear I'm not!

Wrestling Kitties said...

My Love Style is Storge:

For you, love and friendship are almost the same thing
And your love tends to be the enduring, long lasting kind
(You've been known to still have connections with exes)
But sometimes your love is not the most passionate
Leap before you look, and you'll find that fire you crave