Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just Sue the Jerks

Should a jilted spouse be able to sue whoever stole their love away?

(that's what they're considering putting back on the books in south carolina.) Supporters think it would protect families...opponents say it would make divorce proceedings even more nasty.


Sad Panda said...

Irregardless of how people feel about this, this is another example of how Americans focus on the wrong thing. We are in a financial crisis, there are people dying overseas, the education and medical fields are turning to crap, but people are trying to get revenge on the pretty young thing that took their man. Seriously. People in this country are ridiculously sue-happy and it's embarrassing.

Hurley said...

Irregardless?!? Oh, Kristen w., that isn't a word. Anyway, I think this is stupid. If you get your "love" taken away, then you probably deserved it. Just get a divorce and reflect on what it was that you did wrong to make them leave.

TravelDiva said...

Wow! I wouldn't want to do that because it seems like then the court will be even more involved in your marital woes and it would just be an absolute mess. Although I am all for punishing skanky cheaters. LOL

Ky • said...

Indeed. I think we should sue everyone for every wrong ever "unjustly" done to us.

As an American it's my right to think that everything that's ever happened to me (that I haven't liked), is someone else's fault.

Lori said...

There are no homewreckers, only homes waiting to be wrecked.