Anyone else see this?
i'm outraged i tell you:
"The diet menu could be making us fat? this has elaine's (from seinfeld) yogurt snafu written all over it. A bunch of reporters went out, ordered from the guilt-free section of popular restaurants... then took the stuff to a lab.
YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH FAT AND CALORIES the dishes really have. one chicken dish was touted as having six grams of fat. tests showed it actually had 49 grams of fat!"
It's only annoying, because if I had that information, I would've gone ape-shit and just ordered what I really wanted!
Right?? Moral of the story: Just eat the damn burger so you know what you're getting yourself into... at least that's what I'm taking away from it.
That really sucks.
You try to do the right thing and get burned!
I was at ruby tuesday's one time and I asked the waitress "how are those mini cheeseburgers?" She says "they're really good, but they're like, full of fat!" I was happy about her honesty and then ordered them anyway.
This really is not cool. Eating out is really tricky when you are watching your weight. I realize the solution is to eat at home more but when you have a job where you travel often or find yourself out to eat almost every day, it gets very challenging. Fighting the battle of the bulge sucks.
PS Ruby minis are AMAZING!
If you are advertising it as something low in fat and calories it should be.
They say that even though certain foods may be marketed as low fat and stuff (cookies, cheeses, snacks, rice, etc..) that if you look at the nutrition guide they are worse then if you would just get the regular option. They may have higher calories or more sugar, even though they are - in fact low fat.
It is all just a scam. You pay more for something that claims to be better for you but really isn't.
Those Ruby mini's sound super.
Nadja, I like your label on this post.
I shake my head in disgust. It's ridiculous with just ordering salads anymore. It's really healthy for you, until you add in the bacon bits, dressing, and even certain vegetables. I guess water is the only thing we can count on. Oh wait... water has different minerals added to it that can cause health problems? Dammit!
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