Sunday, April 27, 2008

OK, that's enough.

Vaccine-Autism Question Divides Parents, ScientistsA critical look at the public deception perpetuated by hidden personal agendas.

This entire article is beyond interesting. This is a major argument point between Athena's doctor and myself. When I know more facts and statistics than he does, I feel he should leave me be. My daughter, my choice Doogie. (He looks JUST like Doogie Howser.)


Ky • said...

Where do you fall Vs. where does Athena's Dr. fall on the debate?

I'm curious to know where you stand.

Nadja said...

I, along with just about every other developed nation, feel that the United States vaccinates too often with too much. The US is notoriously slow on the draw with fixing their vaccination issues. They were WAY behind Europe in taking the mercury out of children's vaccines. Now, I'm not saying that kids shouldn't be vaccinated at all, even though that's IMMEDIATELY what most people hear when that's not what I'm saying. Vaccines have all but wiped out polio, smallpox, etc. SO I KNOW THEY CAN BE GOOD. Athena has had SOME vaccinations, I just choose to not follow the US recommended schedule. When her doctor kept saying, "you really need to, I wish you'd reconsider, we'll have to start some all over again." I told him that it made me uncomfortable, I thought he was wrong, and that I needed to give it more thought and we left. So, I research research research and find that the schedule that they are on is the MINIMUM AMOUNT OF TIME you should have in between doses. I now go back armed to her next appointment. He concedes that the vaccinations she's had so far have her immune, regular boosters as she gets older will keep her immune, and none of the shots she has had would have to be started over.

It's times like this that I'm so glad that I was raised by the hippies that I was raised by. I was brought up to always say "why?" not just "Oh, ok." So, quick shout out to the lady and gent in tye dye.

Yeah, that's what I thought... sneaky bastards.

Ky • said...

Email me. Which vaccines have you decided against getting. (I ask this because Taryn and I were having this discussion on Saturday about Aubrey.)