Friday, June 13, 2008

What do you think?

Michelle Obama may face jabs in election fight

Analysis: Many judge president by spouse

I've honestly never given much attention to the spouse of the person running. I've just looked at them as more of an accessory. Might be crappy, but I'm just being honest.


Hurley said...

I think Michelle Obama looks like she got a right hook from Mike Tyson with that twitch and retarded eye she has going on. I also know exactly what she meant by her "first time proud american" comment. She meant because a black man was winning...had he been down in the polls, she wouldn't be proud?!?

Traci said...

My personal opinion is that the spouse should not be part of any smear campaign. I don't think Cindy McCain or Michelle Obama should have to defend themselves. They aren't running for office.

The entire "we're going to smear you" mindset in politics today is disgusting. There are too many important REAL issues for the candidates to focus on that there is NO REASON for dirty politics. Except that politicians thrive off those things. Both parties are guilty of it...and it's sick.

Sad Panda said...

I find it so interesting when the general public focuses on the wrong thing during a campaign. Personally, I don't care if you are black, white, brown, red, purple, or indigo with a touch of magenta. I don't care if you are gay or straight. I don't care how many children you have or where you spend your vacation. And I really don't care who you're married to. I care about a little thing called policies and how you want to make this country and this world a better place. Bottom line.

TravelDiva said...

I don't think the spouse is important. However, I think Michelle Obama is dynamic, smart and I would love to see her as the First Lady.

Hurley once again your Klan hood is showing. I'm sure Michelle has been proud of her country before. However, I understand her point. The fact that some Americans (certainly not Hurley) have been able to put aside racial diffences in voting for a presidential candidate speaks of a great deal. I AM proud that Obama would represent a great deal of progress in this country - from slavery to the white house.

Hurley said...

My Klan hood is showing?!? She (M.O.) even said on Larry King that she was proud that politics has come so far that a black man could be president... I was simply saying that if he weren't winning, would she still think we came that far. So, if having that opinion of Michelle Obama requires a Klan hood, so be it...but I think it could be that you are racially, over-sensitive.